LEVEL 1 DAY 0 – 70

by 5381.

For the past couple of months, “5381” has been making a new puzzlescript game every day. In this series, the layout and appearance of the level is always the same – it’s one of the first examples in the puzzlescript documentation:

… but the actual rules are different every time. LEVEL 1 DAY 0 starts out with the standard Sokoban rules:

… but then in the next game, the rules change! Like maybe the walls move instead of the player?

… in the next, maybe something mysterious is happening, and the puzzle becomes figuring out the logic behind how it all works.

… and maybe in the next, it’s less about creating a puzzle and more about just surprising the player with something completely unexpected.

There are 70 in total in the series, and while the quality does bounce around a bit from game to game, the sheer creativity and variety on show here never stops being impressive. A really great example of what good constraints can inspire.

[Play on Itch.io]

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